Piper Alderman files class action targeting two state-owned energy generators in Queensland

Candice Cooke, Australia

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Leading plaintiff law firm, Piper Alderman has filed a class action in Australian Federal Court targeting two state-owned energy generators, CS Energy and Stanwell Corporation for allegedly manipulating the electricity pricing system.

Having successfully subscribed more than 40,000 claimants to the class action since the case was initiated in June of 2018, Piper Alderman has announced that they have filed their case against the two state-owned energy generators CS Energy and Stanwell Corporation for allegedly manipulating the electricity pricing system.

Australian litigation funder, Litigation Capital Management Limited (LCM), is covering the legal costs, allowing claimants to join without cost. The group is predominantly comprised of residential energy consumer however more than 1500 businesses including ASX listed entities and industrial users of electricity have also subscribed.

CS Energy plans to defend the class action which it claims will adversely affect the State and line the pockets of the litigation funder. Stanwell also vows to rigorously defend the action.

The case is Stillwater Pastoral Company Pty Ltd v Stanwell Corporation Ltd & Anor. The case is represented by Piper Alderman, Stanwell is represented by MinterEllison CS Energy is represented by Herbert Smith Freehills.